Wednesday, March 31

Callbacks my ass

Had a job interview on Monday. The lady said "Im calling everyone on Wed whether or not they got the job" Ya? Bullshit. Ive heard that before not gotten a call back unless I GOT the job. So sure enough no call today. Guess I didn't get it. How depressing. Next step... putting in an application at my mum's work. Blah. Then again she's a great reference cuz she can brag about what a good cashier I am LOL.
Im tired. Im bored.
Im about to get off to watch American Idol... just wanted to bitch about that job thing. What a sucky huh??
Ooh I get to babysit Alicia tomorrow. YAY! I miss her, I use to see her almost everyday!
Okie Im off. Later!!

Wednesday, March 24

Butter is Better (Need to lose weight? This may help!)

When I was at Life Fest on the 13th there was this guy who is a chef on tv (he was pretty cute and so funny) and he had stuff to say about losing weight too. Now I have heard from a ton of people on the subject and gotten millions of opinions but his is the ONLY to make sense! Okay first of all he said Atkins is crap. He says "You may lose weight on it, but you can't go the rest of your life just eating steak!" what he basically said is colourful foods are best. Do not eat ANY white food ever, they are all bad for you. Eat colourful food. And lot's of fruits and veggies. I (in my infinite wisdom) went to the mic and asked about potatoes, bananas and cauliflower cuz they are fruits and veggies but white and HE said that they actually aren't. (I don't think he was including banana in this but whatever...) and how those things are actually bleached and started out another colour. Potatoes are meant to be purple.
He also said you gain weight because you eat more calories then you burn off. SO if you eat meat and colourful foods and grains and shit (well not shit) and then you walk for 30 mins a day, you'll lose weight. If you wanna work out then you'll lose it faster. It made a ton of sense. He said "Don't cut out carbohydrates like all these people are saying, because ur body needs them" just, again, stay off ANY white food. If it's white, don't eat it.
Also chocolate is GOOD for you. However, not the $1 chocolate bars you buy in short stop, you go in like the baking isle and find the semi sweet DARK chocolate and that's fine, not to have everyday but it's okay.
He also said to challenge yourself. Go to the store and buy two veggies you never had before and buy em. He said the best way to cook veggies is to put oil (cuz all oils are reeeeeeally good for u surprise surprise) all over em and salt and pepper and roast em. Mum and I tried this for dinner last week, we tried eggplant which I never had and butternut squash. We also roasted carrots and broccoli. Okay the eggplant sucked but the squash was good and the broccoli, roasted... jesus it was incredible.
Also don't eat margarine. It's bad for you. Butter is better but veggie oil and canola oil and sunflower oil (yadda yadda...) are best.
Ive been on this since the 14th of March. I broke down once and had pizza (that was last night) but besides that no. And with the exception of two occasions I have cut out pop as well. I have been eating tons of sweet potatoes and salads... omg lettuce, shredded cheese with sunflower oil instead of salad dressing (which is bad for you anyway) is SO GOOD. if you haven't tried sunflower oil do it. God it's good. Also sugar is bad for you so cut out anything sugar. The chef said if mother nature didn't make it don't eat it. Also grains... excellent for you. I hate granis (granis?! lol... grains) but I like oatmeal.
I haven't been doing the walking... not everyday. Ive walked a few times in those two weeks. Umm, maybe 5 of those days? Now it's only been... well not even two weeks. It's been a week and a half. I do FEEL healthier though. I never feel bloated and I don't feel yucky full, like you do when you have straches. I use to eat so much potato and rice and pasta that my tummy ached for hrs. Not anymore. It's a nice light fluffy full. Now I haven't noticed any weight loss but it HAS only been a week and a half. Ill keep you posted and let you know if this works for me.

Friday, March 19

Hmm, after Saturday I don't really know what to blog about!
I babysat Alicia yesterday. Haven't seen her in awhile. Cute as ever, getting so big. She's 15 months now. Wow... she was 7 months when I first started watching her... She's doubled in age! Amazing... how many people can u say u knew (outside ur family) double their age ago?! No half their age ago lol. Double their age ago is impossible. "I've known my 30 yr old friend for 60 years!!"
Ya well I never claimed to be intellegent.
Anywho it was cute cuz I fed her dinner and then made myself pizza and was sitting in the livingroom eating it, the plate was on the end table and she comes RUNNING up to me and demanding some. Of course she doesn't actually SPEAK so it was more like a string of babbles and noises and a couple understandable words like "daddy, ashy and bye bye"
It was so damn cute, she was like holding onto my leg and watching me eat just waiting like a puppy for some food. So I kept slipping her pepperoni. She was so happy... it was soooooo cute!
She got tired later that night after her bath, and she RAN across the livingroom to where I was sitting and puts her head in my lap and sighs. Awwwwwww so I picked her up and cuddled her and she kinda sleepyly mumbled incoherant words... she's the sweetest thing!
So that was my day yesterday. As long as mum doesn't work Im seeing Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind on Tues! YA BABY! I can't wait... wow.
And then back to school Monday. I can not WAIT for that man... Im so sick of this God damn March break shit. We got halfway thru reading a book before MB and Im expected to remember that whole first half when we return on Monday? HA! Plus we have the first third of this mega huge assignment due on April Fools Day AND our mid term is then. I haven't even started this project yet. It's booooooring. Wow...
Wow, I say wow a lot. No I do. I dunno why. There is a lot I say a lot. My mum laughed at me the other day cuz I kept saying "you know?" or "you know what I mean?" or... shit what was the other one? I think something like "like you know" I dunno but she said I said it like after every sentence. So Im kinda over conscience about it!
OMG I was in a chatroom the other day and this guy was annoying and kept asking personal questions and I was ignoring him and then he's like "were you rapted?" And Im like "Huh? What the hell made you wanna talk abotu this!?" and he says "You spelled about wrong" And Im like "it was a typo... sue me. You spelled raped wrong!" and he's like "I did a typo too" LIAR
People piss me off lol. I hate people who have to pry into my life. I keep to myself for a reason. People think they wanna know what I have to say and they really really don't. Then then get mad if I provide too much info. Fools people are!
Well I don't really have anything else to say. Nothing has happened since Sat so I have nothing to complain about except what I already have!

Saturday, March 13

Be careful what u wish for...

OMG... okay get ready for a long blog with some pics! I just got home from LifeFest half an hr ago. I haven't even changed yet! Man it was so so exciting! Okay so we get there at noon (well like 12:30) and Debbie was on at 2. So we sit down cuz we wanna get good seats. We were RIGHT in the front row by the isle. We wait and wait and wait and boom! DEBBIE! I took some pics but they didn't turn out that great. So anyway she speaks and is bloody hilarious and charming... just made me love her more! She said she started her first show in 1995 and it made me realize Ive been watching this woman since I was 13!! I have loved her for a long time, but 9 years. Wow! I mean heck if you go to imdb and look up The Painted House it's me gushing about Debbie! (Unless they took that off by now hehe). So anywho they are like "pictures with Debbie for 5 mins" more like 5 seconds! She was whisked away SO fast and they are like "At the OTHER end of the convention center she is doing autographs" So we struggle our way thru the crowds to the back. We are in line and I was getting nervous cuz I was gonna ask to get a pic with her... nerve wracking. So the woman infront of us is getting her book signed and Debbie looks up at me and smiled and I got SO shakey! So suddenly Debbie is saying HI to ME! Ahh! My mum jumps in and says "Can I get a picture with you and my daughter?" and Debbie was kinda guessing at the same time "You want a pic? SURE!" I said "Sorry Im all shaky right now, your Debbie Travis!" haha. Oy. Im dumb. So my mum takes the first pic: (by the way, click any of these pics for a bigger version)

And, well I bluffed... I lied to Debbie. FIRST thing I said was "OOps! I blinked!" (I lied because I dont take good pictures and I was hoping she'd let my mum take another pic. SURE enough she says "Oh well take another picture!!!!" Im like "Did you blink?" and she said "No I didn't blink!! But take another picture!!" So boom! Pic #2

haha. Then I stood up and said thank you and then I said very boldly "Can I have a hug?!" and she said "SURE" and stood up and gave me a big hug. It was amazing, she is a good hugger! I hugged back so tight, it was nice *sigh*
Then she signed my program (Ill scan that later) and I told her I loved her.
SO we go around thru the convention center, getting millions of free samples. Debbie was on again at 6 and Fergie (FERGIE! EEEEEE) was on at 7. We knew it would be hard to get good seats so quarter after 4 we go to the stage and there are no seats (some cool chef was talking). After he talked a couple people in the front row left and mum and I grabbed those seats! The chef came on AGAIN from 5-6 (I actually asked him a question too) and then Debbie came on again at 6. I didn't mind seeing her talk again and got a cute pic of her looking at herself on the screen (there were huge screens so the people at the back could see)

So talked, mostly about meeting Sarah Ferguson! haha. FINALLY (at about 7:05) out comes Fergie!!

The fortunate thing is, we were directly up front and I managed to snap over 50 pictures of the Dutchess. Bad news? She walks and talks a lot! So practically every picture she's making a weird face and EVERY picture was blurry!!!!

Im gonna include some of the BEST pics on here tho. Hope you enjoy em. She looked AMAZING and she is such a good speaker. She was funny and sweet, I still can't believe I saw her.

After speaking for 30 mins she spent an HR and a HALF answering questions! Bloody amazing she is!!!

My sister happened to look just like Fergie's daughter when they were kids, so my mum brought a couple pics and showed Fergie (I have a video of that I may add later!) and Fergie thought it was cute. She even held a pic to the big screen hehe. She is so so sweet.

(In the pic above, she's look at me, thats why I included it :p)
She kept giving people tulips that were decorating the stage! haha. I swear the people who worked there were pissed cuz the show is on tomorrow too and there are no flowers anymore!

But man, I still can't believe how lucky mum and I were. The place we sat for Debbie originally ended up being reserved for press when Fergie came on. We would have had to move if we had stayed there all day... and man we woulda been PISSED cuz there is no way we would have gotten a good seat by that time!

Wow... what an amazing day. I wish I could thank Fergie for speaking. She is incredible. And Debbie... God I love that woman! haha. So... I am very tired which is why Im not doing TOO much details. But let's just say I am so blissfully happy I could cry!

Thursday, March 11

Nattie's Review of Monster
I love this movie, this is an amazing amazing movie. Charlize definitely deserved that Oscar, it's like a totally different person in that film. I totally recommend this film to anyone who has a chance to see it before it goes out of theatres.
And that's my review. LOL. Sorry I actually don't feel much like blogging suddenly. Ill babble on about it on a later date and on Sunday I will give my super long story about the events of LifeFest.

Tuesday, March 9

4 more days til Life Fest!!
Okay NOW Im getting nervous... Im gonna meet FERGIE! AHHHHHHHH!
Well there is something to be nervous about BEFORE Life Fest. In two days Im having a quiz at school. Doncha hate quizes? I sure do. It's about Literary Terms and Devices (Im in Gr 12 English btw) and there are like... geez a lot to remember. 3 and a half pages worth. SUCKS. At least he's not asking for definitions. He'll give an example and we have to say what it is. Like whether it's an onomatapeia (I know I spelled that WAY wrong) or a cacophony or an allusion or an alliteration or another of the 50 other friggen things the sentence could BE.
My teacher is a hard marker. I liked my teacher last yr. For math. He threw so many bonus marks it was amazing. I had a test and I got only 2 of the 6 questions right and I got 20 out of 30 as my mark!!!!!!!! He was an awesome man. Walked out of MATH with a 84 as my final mark. Sucks? Well ya but for Gr 11 math which I found SO hard and the fact I suck at Math... it was pretty good! I beat out a girl in Gr 12 who is smarter at Math then me! She got an 80. I was top of my class. Ya brag brag... I shouldnt. But I was happy.
DONT think Im gonna be top of this English class tho. He seems to be so hard on me and Sara. Well I guess we'll just putter through it. As long as I pass with a half decent mark Im happy. There are people saying "Im happy if I get a 51 cuz I pass!" I wouldnt be happy!!!!! I can't go into college with a 51 in grade 12 ENGLISH! Oy.
Tonight Im supposed to be going to see Monster. I wanted to see it since it came out, and definitely before Charlize won the Oscar. Okay, so Im a little late seeing it... but there are a few things I wanna see right now. 50 First dates and Starsky and Hutch and OMG Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind is coming out soon! Putting two of my fav people (Elijah and Kate) in a movie together! Thx God!! And the Secret Window is coming out soon too (same day I think) Johnny... omg... Thx again God!
So thats my week. Oh and picking up Allanah from school tomorrow. Little poop machine. She's gonna be 4 in a month, I wish I didn't have to keep changing poopy underwear. I hope her parents toilet train her fast, or put her back in diapers. Sorry but it's blah. But it's why I get the big bucks! Ha... Im never settling for $5 an hr again. Kids are a lot of work! Well, that's a big fat duh but anywho... lol.
Exciting blog eh!!! Now this week when your all bored and thinking "I wonder what Natalya's doing" NOW U KNOW!

Saturday, March 6

One more week til Life Fest. Funny isn't it? A far girl going to a health convention!!
Well, Im only going to see Debbie and Fergie anyway. I can't wait. Finally something semi exciting!
I was talking to my mum today. She had to work ALL day today. I was complaining because she's basically the only person I ever go out and do stuff with... her or my sister. And my sister has a NEW best friend (she has a different one every month I swear) who she was hanging out with. I basically bitched at her and complained about not having a social life and Im all bored and pathetic. She's like "I hate when you talk like that" but OMG it's so damn true! I don't go out ever and I so so hate it! I miss the days when I was 15 and I use to go down the list of friends in my phone book until I found someone who wanted to go to a movie or the mall or have a sleep over. By the time I was 16 I didn't have those friends anymore... NO friends actually. Until I was 20 and I met Sarah who I blogged about a big when I first started blogging a year ago. If she couldn't go out I was stuck at home like before but if she did it at least gave me something to do! But now that we don't speak anymore Im back to not having a social life and AHH it's annoying. I'm so envious of my sister. Her msn list has at LEAST 50 people on it and she talks to them all. She is 15, the same age I was when I had a group of friends. Of course my group was like 6 people... but still. She always has something to do. And she's pretty and thin and popular. It makes me want to cry. I wish I WAS her.
Here are me and my sister. These pics were both taken about two weeks ago. Look how pretty she is compared to me:

Wednesday, March 3

I know I haven't blogged in a bit... to the one or two people who actually READ this thing!!
Ive had no real desire to do anything lately. I haven't worked on a webpage in months. I started one for Toddy but it got deleted, and I was going to do one with Mia Tyler but I haven't heard from her in almost a month. I could do another fan one like most of my others... or tend to those as they have not been updated in over 6 months. But I just... don't have the passion.
I find Ive been like that a lot. No passion to blog, no passion to get up in the morning, no passion to lose weight, no passion to find a job, no passion to clean my living room no passion to learn to drive after finally getting my G1... all these things I WANT to do... but the desire to do anything is gone. I almost have no desire for living. To me, everyday I wake up I groan inside. Another day, worthless. I wake up, maybe babysit for a few hrs, maybe go to school in the evening. I come home, watch whatever reality show is on tv, munch and munch on shit that gets me fat, come online and chat til 2am, go to bed. It's the same every week. Basically. The days I babysit and who for changes, but it's all in a way the same.
I know I will eventually come out of this. I AM going to school and in time I WILL have a high school diploma. I also know what I want to go to school for. Hopefully in college I will make some friends and be able to let loose and be kind of happy. For once! Im just having trouble getting to that point in my life. I guess in a way Im mad at myself because if I had finished high school at 18 like I should have, Id probably be done college by now and doing what I want. Id be moved out of the house and have a life. Instead I prolonged it for so long.
Yet, believe it or not, it takes very little to make me happy. I guess because when your down so low it doesn't take much to cheer you up. I was told today that for Easter Sunday my grandfather is taking the whole family to dinner. The whole family meaning my uncles and aunt, my cousins, my great aunt and uncle and my second cousins. That made me thrilled. When I was a kid there were always big family get togethers. Christmas, easter, even birthdays sometimes. That hasn't happened since I was in high school like 7 years ago and I miss it so much. Probably sounds stupid to most people but Im looking forward to it!
Oh and Life Fest. that's in a week and a half. But, if that kind of stuff thrills me... imagine how pathetic my life must be!!! I wish I could get totally out of this slump. I hate it! I hate being a loser and feeling like one.
Anywho I don't think there will be too much bloggin in the near future... unless I get a desire for it. I just feel blah.