Monday, December 29

Xmas is over... finally. I like the holiday but Im happy when the excietment (Christ I cant spell that?!!?) is dulled and we can all get back to normal... hating eachother and killing eachother. Cuz that's what it's all about isnt it? We act all saintly at Xmas time "Give to the poor" "Love thy neighbor" and on Jan 2nd when it's all over we're back to shouting "Move you fucking asshole!" out our car windows to the idiot talking on his cell infront of us.
Ya Im bitter, I am a very bitter girl. Why? Heck who knows. Im rude and I hate everybody. No one has my trust and I dont think anyone ever will.
Okay I dont wanna discuess (I cant spell that either?!? discuss... there we go... I think) this let's move on. I got 3 new Gamecube games for Xmas. Mario Party 5 which it fun! Mario Double Dash which I suck in considering I RULE all the other Mario racing games... and Sims Busting Out. I bought that last one myself tho. Its SO fun. I highly recommend it if you're into the computer version.
I feel bloaty and gasy... probably because I just ate pizza... what once sounded like a good idea and smelled good now gives me nausea. Isn't funny how that works? Isnt it? Answer me!
Hey I wonder who reads this? Ive asked this question before but you didn't answer. You just sat there and read and thought "Im not gonna tell her Im reading this! HAHAHA!" all evil and shit. I have something like 7 guestbook entries but they all talk about my page not my blog. So even if you've signed me book before feel more then free to sign again and say "Nice blog" or "Your bloody insane girl" and Ill be like "Yay! Someone does read this!"
Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaand Im out!

Monday, December 22

No mail today... I love getting mail. Its better then email... I dunno why but it just is! I recently got a buncha packages it was awesome! I got my autographed book covers from Ellen, then two pressies from Scotland and a movie I ordered online... and it ain't even Xmas yet!!
The 7 yr old girl I babysit saw me write Xmas earlier today and said "What's Xmas?" I said "Christmas" (obviously I said that...) and she's like "Good, cuz I thought it meant like hubba hubba" LOL. How does she even know at age 7 that "X" is a bad letter?! LOL!
Tomorrow I take over my Xmas gifts for Amy Dillon and Alicia... and I got their parents something they are gonna LOVE! I won't say cuz just my luck Tracey (the mum) will come across my blog tonight, but it is good.
Im listening to Toddy... a couple her songs I almost consider my songs... I love em! I was talking to her about this one song she wrote called "Ur So Cold" about this guy who is mean to her, but to me it totally describes how the world treats me. Its an angry song... and I told her it was my theme song. And I listen to it at least once a week and she's like "Really?" and I said "Ya" and she said "Ur so cold?!" and Im like "Ya! Why am I weird?" and she said "No, that's cool" but I think she thinks I weird :p

Sunday, December 21

Finally gonna see Return of the King tonight... 4 and a half hrs to go... man! Im very anxious. I love this series... I don't want it to end, but it's gotta and I gotta know what HAPPENS!
Im gonna cry... well hell I cry at everything so big surprise!! I do cry a lot. Its so pathetic. I'm 21 yrs old and I cry at EVERYTHING! It someone says something harsh to me, I cry. I hated having a job cuz if the boss told me I was doing something wrong I'd cry and they ALWAYS gave me one of those "You're crying? You retard!" looks... making me feel stupid and shameful.
I cry MOSTLY everyday... over one thing or another. If something doesn't go my way I cry... even if it's just not getting to speak to a friend I was looking forward to talking to... or if Im doing something on my page and it crashes without saving...
Speaking of crying, one of my babies died last night. My fishie Phoenix. I fed him and noticed he was just floating there which isnt rare... he always slept. Sometimes Id have to poke him to wake him for dinner. This time tho I poked him a couple times... he was definately dead... I only had him about 4 months so I wasn't break down hysterical like I was with my rabbit Bailey, but it is sad... his little tank was on my computer desk so when I see that empty space as I type Im a little sad.
Im watching a neighbors fish for the holidays starting today, so when I give him back on the 2nd Ill get myself a new fishie. Maybe an emerald green one!!
Im listening to Toddy. FINALLY did the interview with her for her official fanpage that Im building. We talked and talked and talked... I love her so much I can't even express. She is SO nice and kind to me... and thats rare. She's the best. CLICK HERE to see the page, its in the middle of being built so nothing works yet... but Im in love with the layout!
Speaking of layout isn't this one beautiful? Thanks ;)
K, Im off. PLZ PLZ PLZ PLZ PLZ PLZ sign my guestbook. I crave attention and I want a little feedback me harties. Ya I know I spelled that wrong, shut up. If you haven't noticed I don't do spell check. I is lazy.

Friday, December 19

Hey to the 3 people who read me blog! I say me now rather then my. I dunno why... I talk weird.
My mum's bowling xmas party for work was last Sunday. It was fun. 5 pin which Ive never done before so it kinda sucked, but whadda gonna do? I got 89 first game a 98 the second. 4th outta 6th place both times... not bad I spose. When I first bowled 10 pin I got 33 then 66 then 99. Cool huh? Ya...
Anywho the prove how outta shape I am for the days after that my leg and arm muscles KILLED. They hurt so so badly. They finally felt better yesterday, and then I go outside to walk my dog, my bad ankle gives out and I fall on the pavement rehurting my leg... then this morning I bent down to get something and I pulled it AGAIN. Im a fucking klutz I swear!
I went to Allanah's on Tuesday to give her her presents. She was so cute opening them. She's 3. Her dad gave me a beer... well on Sunday I had a light beer, downed it which surprised me cuz it usually takes me an hr to finish a beer. But this one was light and did nothing to me. So Allanah's dad gives me a regular one... I downed it and I felt it RIGHT away. I was tipsy and wobbly... it was hilarious. Im trying to keep it together cuz Im talking to her parents, but I got hyper and I think a little weird. Im like "I better go" and they wanted me to stay and visit but all I could think was I have to get OUT of here before I do or say something real stupid!!!!
Got my final Math mark... 86. I got an 80 for gr 10 so Im happy I spose. Start English in Feb. SO fun but it will be so hard I know!
k, thats it =) Out

Friday, December 12

Im so bored... I broke two bulbs today when putting up my lights.
Today was a weirdass day. All this weird stuff happened... Keri and my mum think I am overtired. Maybe. I do feel like Im gonna pass out from lack of sleep...
So ya, gonna go have a bath, and try not to fall asleep in the tub. *yawwwn* I don't even know why Im writing in here! I have nothing to say!

Wednesday, December 10

Moved my blog to blogspot... cool!